Thursday, June 28, 2018

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Saturday, June 23, 2018

HOMEOPATHIC CAPSULES FOR ARTHRITIS( joint pain,swelling,stiffness,gout)TREATMENT



What scares you about old age the most? For most of us, it is the fact that we would lose our vitality and speed. Such pain and disability is caused due to progressive joint conditions which are categorized as arthritis. Arthritis it is a painful degenerative disorder of the joints, in which the joints become inflamed and cause a lot of pain. If you have arthritis, you know that it can have a debilitating effect on you, and may even restrict your movement to a large extent. Fortunately, the age old science of HOMEOPATHIC has some treatment options which offer relief for arthritis.
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Dr. aamir
How Does HOMEOPATHIC Approach Arthritis?
HOMEOPATHIC treatment for arthritis is based on the understanding of the various doshas or humors of the body. According to HOMEOPATHIC, there are four main humors in the body and it is these that govern our health, wellness and our proneness to disease. Arthritis, as per HOMEOPATHIC, is a condition caused due to the aggravation of vata dosha (air). The body produces ama – a toxin that is released as a by product of improper digestion. When ama is produced, it circulates in the body and gets deposited at sites that have already weakened. So when the vata is already stirring up, ama finds the perfect place to build up. That is why you experience arthritis in fingers or knees. For most people, arthritis in the knee is more painful than in the fingers because knees are load bearing joints. If you have arthritis in your knees, you will have trouble moving and the range of motion in your joints will be severely restricted. You may have to depend on people or walking aids to make even the smallest of movements.
Modern Understanding and Pathology of Arthritis
Arthritis is a an inflammatory condition that could involve one of more of your body’s joints. According to modern medicine, there are several different kinds of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The main symptoms of this condition is pain and stiffness in the joints. Since this is a progressive disease, it may worsen with advancing age. It could be caused by normal wear and tear of the joints or the formation of uric acid crystals that cause increased friction between the knee joint structures.
Modern Treatment for Arthritis
In modern medicine, the best treatment for arthritis is pharmacological. Medications are prescribed to decrease the progression of the disease. The treatment focuses on improving the symptoms and increasing range of motion in your joints. Analgesics and counter irritants for controlling pain and anti inflammatory steroids for controlling inflammation are the most common treatment methods. Surgery may be required for joint replacement, in case the condition progresses beyond control.
Though modern medicine has advanced a lot, it cannot completely cure arthritis. For those who are looking for long term rehabilitation, surgery is often the only resort. As compared to that, HOMEOPATHIC offers natural remedies that are non invasive and effective without any side effects. These remedies treat the underlying cause of the condition and lubricate joints to improve range of motion.
HOMEOPATHIC Treatment for Arthritis
ayurvedic treatment for arthritisSince arthritis is caused due to vata aggravation, the main aim of HOMEOPATHIC treatment for arthritis is to balance and stabilize vata in the body. This can be done by strengthening the alimentary canal and the metabolic pathway. This ensures that the circulatory channels not blocked by impurities and are open and performing well, and that nourishment is delivered to joints. To achieve this, you may have to drink lots of water and detoxify your body periodically. You may also try various HOMEOPATHIC home remedies which are designed specifically to treat arthritis, improving your range of motion and giving you increased mobility.
An HOMEOPATHIC, diet can help strengthen the digestive system, preventing the formulation of ama. The nutritional plasma that is thus created, is pure and can be assimilated into the body completely and easily. A healthy, balanced diet can also improve lubrication of joints, effectively preventing arthritis or degeneration of the joints. These HOMEOPATHIC remedies promote natural healing for arthritis, decreasing the rate of progression of degeneration of your joints and promoting their health.
Tips for HOMEOPATHIC Treatment of Arthritis
HOMEOPATHIC is just the right thing for you if you are looking for home remedies for arthritis. HOMEOPATHIC allows you to use several ingredients from your home for treatment of this condition.
·         Begin your day by drinking a large glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice in it.
·         Fenugreek is an excellent natural inhibitor of ama and corrector of the vata dosha. It is a natural remedy for arthritis. Use fenugreek seeds in your food. They are slightly bitter in taste, so use them sparingly. Another great way to use Fenugreek seeds is by grinding them and mixing them with mustard oil. Apply this paste on your joints – both on your knees and hands. This will bring warmth and comfort to your joints.
·         A hot oil massage of your joints can be really helpful, especially in the winter months. Castor oil and sesame seed oil, both are great for a hot massage of your joints. If your joints are very painful, massage them lightly. Therapists discourage the use of pressure in joint massages in any HOMEOPATHIC treatment for arthritis.
·         Meditate for bringing down your stress levels and dealing with anxiety. Stress and anxiety are a major reason for the development of ama in your body. The more relaxed you are, the more efficient your body will be. Yoga has many breathing exercises which initiate you into meditation. When you have control over your breath, meditation comes more easily to you.
·         Go to bed on time and wake up early in the morning. Disrupting the natural sleep cycle can aggravate all the doshas in the body and can also result in worry, stress, anxiety and fear. Taking control of your life and your daily schedule will not only help you get rid of arthritis, but also many other ailments that may have been plaguing you. A healthy, natural sleep cycle also prevents obesity, further improving the health of your load bearing joints.
HOMEOPATHIC is a completely natural science, with no known side effects. It has been extensively studied for its miraculous results and its many successful treatments. While these general tips on HOMEOPATHIC treatment for arthritis can be helpful, often patients need more personalized treatment plans. HOMEOPATHIC Expert offers you treatment packages designed with great care. We select only the most quality ingredients and convert them into final products after passing them through three stages of rigorous testing. Each of the medicinal ingredients used in our packages has been selected carefully after a lot of researching, experimenting and testing. If you need a little more personalized attention, you can contact our HOMEOPATHIC doctor who can create specific treatment plans that are tailor made for you.
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Just sms or call us at
Dr. aamir

Friday, June 22, 2018


You are probably wondering how can HOMEOPATHIC help in the treatment of a modern lifestyle disease such as diabetes. Since diabetes is a modern, lifestyle disease, its treatment should be modern too – right? Not really. Though diabetes is a relatively modern disease and it is usually caused by faulty lifestyle, addressing the working mechanisms of the body can help treat the condition to a large extent. Though there are many synthetic drugs used for the treatment of diabetes, you may have to consume them all through your life to keep it at bay. However, HOMEOPATHIC offers you simple herbal remedies which can be used for the complete treatment of this condition. Your sugar levels will fall down and the painful symptoms of this condition will also subside gradually. By using HOMEOPATHIC medicine for diabetes, you can improve the quality of your life and add years to it.


CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                FOR QUICK ORDER JUST SMS OR CALL US AT                                               
    00923456900056                                                                                      DR. AAMIR     AAMIR HOMEOPATHIC COMPLEX GT ROAD KHARIAN
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is often called the silent killer. This is because you would not even know when it sneaks up on you. It may not have any symptoms initially but once you have it, you would need lifelong administration of drugs. Diabetes or diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disease in which sugar does not get metabolized properly in the body. This means that the blood sugar levels continue to be high, threatening the normal functioning of the body.
Types of Diabetes

There are three types of diabetes. These are:
1.    Type 1 diabetes: this is a condition in which in which the body does not produce insulin at all. Patients suffering from this condition may need to take insulin supplements for the rest of their life, in order to properly metabolize sugar in the body. This is a very rare, genetic condition.
2.    Type 2 diabetes: this is a condition in which the insulin product is impaired and there is not enough insulin in the body for metabolizing sugars properly. This leads to high blood sugar and eventually, the symptoms of diabetes.
3.    Gestational diabetes: this is an affliction of pregnant women. Some women’s bodies may not be able to produce enough insulin at the time of pregnancy and therefore they have excess sugar in their blood stream. Gestational diabetes may be harmful for both the mother and the baby.
HOMEOPATHIC and Diabetes
HOMEOPATHIC offers natural medicines for diabetes. These work on many different levels. They first help in the improved secretion of insulin, then they improve the body’s general metabolism and finally, they improve metabolism of sugar. According to HOMEOPATHIC, there are very subtle indications of diabetes. Beginning with profuse sweating of the body, the symptoms go on to decreased productivity of vital organs. Here are some of the most common symptoms of this condition:
·         foul smell and looseness in the body
·         lethargy
·         heaviness of the heart
·         problems in the eyes
·         white coating on the tongue and a difficulty to ascertain taste
·         excessive hair and nail growth
·         inability to bear heat and an increasing affinity towards the cold
·         dryness in the throat and the palate
·         a sweet taste in the mouth
·         burning sensation in palms and soles
·         presence of sugar in the urine
Diabetes Treatment in HOMEOPATHIC

For HOMEOPATHIC treatment of diabetes, the first step is usually dietary planning and lifestyle change. Adopting a more active lifestyle, and a healthy, balanced diet low on sugars and starches, is a must. You must begin by avoiding sugars in all forms. This means you will have to get rid of rice, potatoes, white bread, sugar coated cereals, bananas, colocasia and much more. Add a lot of green leafy vegetables to your diet to improve your nutritional status and metabolism. In addition to these, also add some herbs to your diet. HOMEOPATHIC herbs that act as natural medicine for diabetes include turmeric, bitter gourd, gurmar leaves, bael, fenugreek and many more.
Apart from diabetes HOMEOPATHIC treatment, you could also practice yoga, which can help you improve improve your health. Several yogic asanas help massage your internal organs so that they are healthier and can function much better. Some of the asanas are especially beneficial for the pancreas, which produce insulin. You may have to make some changes to your lifestyle as well. For starters, you will have to maintain a more active lifestyle. You will also have to avoid sleeping in the daytime. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol and take extra care of your feet.
Treatment of Diabetes from HOMEOPATHIC Experts
controlbw150For the treatment of diabetes type 1 and 2, HOMEOPATHIC experts have sought out some of the best herbal remedies for this condition. Created from the goodness of natural and organic ingredients, tested multiple times to ensure their efficiency and blended to give you the best results, the diabetes package from HOMEOPATHIC Expert targets the pancreas, stimulating its beta cells to promote healthy production of insulin. As insulin secretion improves, it also improves the peripheral sensitivity of the cells so that they are more sensitive to insulin and produce adequate amounts of it. This effectively takes care of your insulin production and sugar metabolism, keeping you healthy and maintaining your vitality as well as your bodily functions.
Unlike most of the packages offered by HOMEOPATHIC ExpeRTS
, this package is for prolonged use. You may have to use the package from 3 to 9 months, depending on the severity of your condition and other lifestyle factors. Many patients may experience good results right from the time they begin using this package. However, some others may need to use this HOMEOPATHIC medicine for diabetes for a longer duration before their sugar levels can be effectively brought down. If you have borderline diabetes (or pre-diabetes), you will be able to permanently cure your condition and stave off the danger of developing full blown diabetes. Women with gestational diabetes should consult their doctors before using this package. With proper exercise, diet control, lifestyle changes, detoxification and bio-purification of your body and with the diabetes package from HOMEOPATHIC Experts, you will be able to bid farewell to your diabetes for good.


CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                FOR QUICK ORDER JUST SMS OR CALL US AT      
                                                00923456900056                                                                                      DR. AAMIR     AAMIR HOMEOPATHIC COMPLEX GT ROAD KHARIAN


How To Increase Penis Size With Ayurveda?

Xtra Large Penis Enlargement capsulesIncrease Your Penis Size Naturally! Add up to 3 inches to your penis size with 100% pure ayurvedic product – Xtra Large.ORDER TODAY

Your penis is a natural organ that is surrounded by a lot of myths and fallacies. Most people would want you to believe that the penis grows to its potential as soon as you reach adolescence. Once you have hit puberty, your penis does not grow anymore. Right?
Wrong. Medical science and Ayurveda have both shown that the penis size -both length and girth can be increased with the right kind of medications and exercises. This means that if you do not have the desired penis length, it is not too late. You can always take some remedial steps and increase the size of your penis.

Can You Increase Penis Size?

If you are looking to increase your penis size, there are a number of things you can do. These procedures usually range from simple manual exercises to increase girth size and length of your penis, to surgeries that claim to do the same. There are hundreds of herbal supplements and formulations to choose from as well. All of these methods claim to help you increase your penis size, but there is not much scientific evidence to back these claims.

What’s the Catch?

While some of these products may actually work, there is a growing number of products that don’t deliver on their promises. This has caused a lot of people to doubt the efficiency of the entire penis enlargement product niche. Usually, in advertising fraudulent products, the marketers deliberately avoid making any distinction between permanent and temporary enlargement.
Non surgical penile enlargement techniques may not always deliver actual results, even though they claim that they do. Since these claims are not backed by any objective research, buyers are often easily mislead into buying products that make only false promises. A lot of these non surgical treatments may be able to increase penis size temporarily. However, permanent results may not always be seen as these results are usually merely speculative.

What Would A Larger Penis Size Actually Mean?

With easy access to sexually explicit materials, there is a lot of emphasis on appearances. Most men and women have come to believe that a larger penis would be more sexually satisfying. While men feel that a larger penis would be able to make them more attractive and desirable to women, women feel that a larger penis size would be more satisfying during sexual intercourse.
This, however, is a generalization. Where some women may prefer larger penises, there are others who might find them uncomfortable as well. It is more important for you to have an emotional and a physical connection for having a pleasurable and stimulating sexual intercourse. However, if your penis size is smaller than 3 inches, then a male enhancement treatment is absolutely necessary for you.

Are There Any Complications of Having a Small Penis?

Physically, there are no complications of having a small penis size. However, a small penis could lead to a lot of other complications in your life, including:
  • Anxiety and stress related to sex,
  • Low body image and lack of self confidence,
  • Low libido due to stress and poor body image,
  • Relationship problems due to lack of sexual activity,
  • Erectile dysfunction,
  • Premature ejaculation,
  • Weak erections,
  • Overall dissatisfaction from your sexual life.
Though you will continue to have normal physiological functioning, a small penis size and its ensuing results could wreak havoc on your personal life. So if you feel you do not have a normal penis size, and it is causing you anxiety, you should opt for penis enlargement treatment.

How To Increase Penis Size?

Penis enlargement is no child’s play. Your penis is not a vestigial organ. It has several important functions in the body. So any tampering that you wish to do with this important organ, should only be done very cautiously. In such a case, there are several options including:
  1. Surgery: Most doctors would advise a surgical procedure to increase penis size. Such surgeries are not cosmetic enhancement procedures. In fact, in such a surgery, tendons and muscles from other parts of your body may be grafted into to the base of your penis, to increase it’s size. These surgeries are riddled with potential side effects and may cause serious harm to your penis. Besides, the increase in the penis length is so small, the risk is not worth taking.
  2. Mechanical devices: Several mechanical devices are available online. These devices claim to be able to increase penis length and girth. However, these could cause serious injuries to your penis too. Penis pumps and penis clamps are some of the most popular contraptions. Of these, penis pumps are known to give temporary results and may be beneficial to those who experience erectile dysfunction, but they do not offer any long term solutions to this problem.
  3. Exercises: Penis-enlarging exercises like jelqing and kegel exercises can be really helpful for strengthening erections. If done properly, they can strengthen the entire pelvic floor and groin region. They can improve blood flow to the groin region and strengthen it. However, it is not clear if they can offer any tangible increase in penis size and length.
  4. Supplements: These are the safest methods to increase overall penis size. These supplements are usually made from herbal ingredients which have several different benefits for your body as well as your penis. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such supplements available commercially and many of them do not have the capabilities of matching their claims. So it is important to choose very carefully.

How Can Ayurvedic Expert Help?

Ayurvedic Expert has been in the business long enough to understand the importance of your time and money. Our experts have spent years researching various herbal ingredients and the effects they have on the human body. If you have been wondering how to increase penis size, all you have to do is take Ayurvedic Expert’s penis enlargement package for no less than 3 months. This package is specifically designed for men with an underdeveloped penis with reduced growth. You can be of any age and physical fitness level to be able to successfully use this package. It has no side effects and multiple benefits. Apart from increasing your penis size, it also helps increase your testosterone production and improves blood circulation to the groin, improving the health of the entire pelvic region.




Top  Ayurvedic Herbs For Sexual Strength formula

aphrodisiac herbs for menIt is a known fact that men get excited quite easily, and they are ready for sex almost all the time.
Nevertheless, several men experience a variety of sexual conditions that may inhibit their sexual libido, or often make them perform unsatisfactorily. Premature ejaculationreduced sex drives, semen infection, erectile dysfunction, and infertility are a few of the most common sex issues faced by men these days.
The sexual health of male is not confined in the matters of controlling and taking prevention from the diseases transmitted sexually. It is associated with physical, emotional and conditions of relation of men also. In simple words, it is the capability of the men for having erection, which is extremely important for performing of the intercourse act.
The physical intimacies between a man and a woman are associated by the issues such as the ability to perform the act of sex. According to an analysis, when men step on the milestone of the 35 years of age, almost fifty percent of them start losing the sexual health of male from the difficulty of the erectile dysfunction.

The causes of the erectile dysfunction

The erectile dysfunction is the recurring incapability of a man to keep or getting a grim erection, which is required for the sexual intercourse. Several psychological as well as physical factors are there that affect the sexual health of males like diabetes mellitus, high level of blood pressure, substance abuse, hypertension, ageing, cardiovascular diseases, cigarette smoking, low levels of testosterone, depression, and including medications of the major ones.
Nevertheless, there are certain remedies that are available these days, which can deal easily with the problem regarding the erectile dysfunction and improving your sex power.
Ayurvedic medicines can help you to treat these problems, and help you perform better during sex. With improved libido, you can have a better sex life. These medicines used in ayurveda are all natural herbs, thus they are safe for you, having no side effects at all. Ayurvedic medicine has been proven to be the best of all for centuries now. It attacks the root of the problem. It helps you to recover from your condition completely in no time.
The herbs that are known to have impact in increasing your sex power are described below.
  • Ashvagandha: Ashwagandha is a great herb to cure sexual problems. It also controls your stress levels, and improves your nervous system and entire functioning of your nervous system to have a better sex life. Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac. Its extracts are used by men, which has the capability of stimulating the nitric oxide production in your body. As a result, your blood vessels, which carry the blood to your genitals, are dilated, and you get an increase in your sexual desire.
If you consume about two grams of powdered Ashwagandha every day, you would find great results. However, the results might take a little time before being obvious. Thus, while taking capsules or tablets of Ashwagandha, make sure you check the concentration of the withanolides. If the concentration is higher, then you would need to take less number of capsules or tablets. If you are pregnant, please avoid taking this drug. If you are a patient of high BP, be certain to consult your doctor before you start taking the herb or the medicine. Although the medicine is herbal, but you need to be sure that it is actually safe for your condition.
  • Shatavari: Shatavari has always been popular as a cure for infertility. It can actually enhance your sperm production naturally. You would not only have more quantities of sperm, but also better quality in your semen. Shatavari is an aphrodisiac. It is consumed by women mostly. It has the properties of stimulating and calming, while increasing the level of your energy. It is known for regulating the female hormones levels. Therefore, it has beneficial effects on your reproductive system’s functions. Even though Shatavari is prescribed to be consumed by women, it plays a vital role in increasing sex drive in males as well.
Shatavari has been used for many years to enhance sexual ability and vitality. If  person takes this in a regular basis, he can get better result with prolonged erection as well as arousal of sex. Now a day, many men have already reported for diversified sexual problems and dysfunctions researchers are also trying to get over these dysfunctions permanently. They have found that  Shatavari can affect those sufferers positively within a very short period. Impotency is the biggest issue for males but this challenge can also be cured permanently by taking Shatavari regularly. It can help you with maintain a sound diet and good sexual life so there is no doubt that you need to include Shatavari in your daily diet. This ayurvedic medicine can increase the chance of one’s healing power as well as positivity of mind and health, which is generally called as Sattva. When this herb bring harmony inj physical sector, a person will be able to enjoy happy and lovely time with his partner.
Men who take Sattva are noticed to be more powerful and energetic in terms of sex and this strength comes from this magical herb as it strengthen sexual organ more than before and also helps by reducing or diminishing inflammation. It has been proved by several researches that this herb can boost up as well as enhance the freshness of the soul by enhancing sexual competencies. It also leaves a good effect by increasing testosterone hormone of male and it also works well for increasing libido secretion which helps to develop sexual sensation among men.
  • Kaunch: Kaunch is an excellent herb used for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Consuming Kaunch, or herbal medicines consisting Kaunch, can help you immensely to improve the viscosity of your semen. It would make your sperm to be stronger and be alive for a longer period of time. Kaunch is ideally prescribed to those men whose semen are watery and thin, or those unfortunate men who happen to ejaculate prematurely, letting their partners down and dissatisfied.
mucuna pruriens kaunch beej
Kaunch Seeds
Kaunch has already been recognized as aphrodisiac and it releases high volume of testosterone, which is necessary to keep sexual health sound and functional. It also strengthens muscle by repositioning the excess potion of protein stored in our muscle. It helps to improve sexual performance by increasing libido in males, improve dysfunctions of erection, and reduce chance of impotency. This herb can improve sexual health by toning muscles of male organ and increasing stamina. It also reduces stresses which also have significance on having a sound sexual health and life with the partner.
  • Talmakhana: Talmakhana is a well-known herb used for treating semen anomalies. If you are facing issues regarding your sperm quality, Talmakhana is your answer. If you are facing issues, regarding ejaculating prematurely, Talmakhana is your answer. Talmakhana is known to improve the circulation of your blood to your genitals. Proper blood circulation means better sex performance. Thus, you get a boosted sex power.
When start talking about fertility, naturally we consider women first. But it is now a myth. Only women are not always responsible for this issue, sometimes men are sole responsible for this problem. Sometimes sperm count is not satisfactory which is needed for fertility. To increase sperm count, there is no better alternative then Talmakhana. It helps to make sperm thick which considered as good for conceive and boost up sexual desires.
  • Shilajit: Shilajit is another great herb for treating patients with erectile dysfunctions. It is indeed as its one of the natural agents that helps to improve the circulation of blood of your penis. As a result, men with erection problems get better or even cured completely. Shilajit is popular in helping men last longer than usual in bed, letting them provide greater pleasure to their partners. Shilajit is found on the Himalayan Mountains, thus making them the most expensive herbo-mineral drugs. It contains the fossilized form of valuable therapeutic plants. It contains a number of minerals as well organic compounds known as fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is said to be contributing to its actions. Research carried out on animals has projected increased levels of testosterone, spermatogenesis, sperm motility, and sperm counts in males. On the other hand, it showed an increase in the ovogenesis in females. Moreover, it has proved to relieve stress. It contributes immensely to its effects as an aphrodisiac.
Shilajit is available in four forms – red, black, blue, and yellow. Among them, the black form is found as the most effective one. Do not consume a large amount of Shilajit all at once. Increase your dosage gradually. It is recommended that you should consume it from 300 mg to 500 mg per day at the beginning. If you do not experience any negative effects, then you may increase the dosage by about a hundred mg and observe the effects.

