The life of this word glides on an unstable plane;one pa**** through alternating periods of sound and illness.Sound health and illness represents the true nature of human life .
Oligospermia and Oligospermaesthenia are two conditions where allopathic system has no effective treatment. Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)Chief Consultant and Medical Director looking into alternative systems. After working through various modalities, he came out with the best solution which it SPERMO-VITE Herbal supplement.
Before starting this treatment semen test is very essential at your nearest pathology lab and must stop any hormonal treatment at least one month prior to start our treatment. Medicine increases Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Semen Quantity and corrects Sperm Abnormalities.
Advantage of treatment
* The treatment is completely free of any side effects.
* Medicine is effective in 95% in sperm abnormalities i.e. Low Sperm count, Low Motility, Low Semen Quantity and Abnormal Sperm Cell Morphology.
* It is the fastest among all treatment. It raises sperm count fourfold with every month’s treatment till optimum count. So with low sperm count like 3 million per ml. to normal count of 40 million per ml. can be achieved within two to Three months of treatment.
* The lowest count which can be helped is 1 lac per ml or 0.1 million per ml. Below, this the result may be variable.
* It does not support azoospermia or zero count at all.
* It improves not only sperm count but also it’s quality. It raises low sperm motility to high sperm motility. It also improves grades of sperm motility simultaneously.
* The success rate of system is very high. In about 1000 patients, it succeeded in 95% of the patients.
* The greatest advantage is that even after stopping the treatment the higher count remains longer, where as in male hormones, it falls as soon as the treatment is stopped.
* It is quite comfortable to take it, as it has sweet pills and drops only, to take with few doses per day. So, this treatment being simpler avoids complicated procedures in case of male infertility.
Common Cause of Oligospermia:
* Stress :- reduces sperm count
* Tobacco:- Nicotine damages sperms
* Lead :- Workers in printing press have low sperm count
* Hot climates
* Varicocele
* Avoidance of saunas, hot baths, the wearing of tight underwear, and other situations in which scrotal temperature may be raised
* Alcohol:- Alcohol damages sperms
In our research has shown trend in decline sperm count in recent times. There may be many causative factors.
Male factor infertility may result from low sperm count or low sperm motility, or decreased ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg or abnormal shape of sperms or lack of semen or inability of man to deposit the sperm into female privates due to erectile dysfunction or hypospadios. The leading cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Others may be low sperm motility, bad quality sperms, lack of semen, presence of pus cells in semen & inability to deposit semen into female privates either due to absent ejaculation or due to any sexual dysfunctions as erectile dysfunctions. In general, most cases of male infertility are due to low sperm count. There are many biologic and environmental factors that can lead to low sperm count. Here is a list of conditions that may cause low sperm count in men.

* Oligospermia | Low Sperm Count
* Azospermia | Nil Sperms | Low Sperm Motility
* Pus in Semen
* Anti-Sperm Antibody
* Less Semen Formation
* Absent Ejaculation
* Dead Sperms
* Abnormal Sperms
* Immotile Sperms
Azoospermia (Nil Sperm):
Azoospermia is called when there is no sperm in semen. This type of semen disorder is found in approximately 3% of infertile men i.e. absent sperm. You should know that testis has two separate functions.
* Production of normal sperms in semen which needed for pregnancy & normal fertility.
* The other function of testis is production of male hormones i.e. testosterone & others.
So in most patients with nil sperms though semen has absent sperms still production of male hormones remains normal.
Causes of Nil Sperms:
The various causes of nil sperm are as follows :
Hormone disorder: The various endocrine (Hormone) disorder leading to azoospermia are as follows

* Drugs (e.g. spironolactone, alcohol, ketoconazole, cyclophosphamide, estrogen administration, sulfasalazine)
* Presence of Antisperm antibody. These Antisperm antibodies bind with sperms & either make them less motile, totally immotile or even dead which is called necrospermia.
* Trauma
* Environmental toxins
* Viral orchits
* Granulomatous disease as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis of the testis
* Defects associated with systemic diseases, Liver diseases, Renal failure, Sickle cell disease, Celiac disease
* Neurological disease as myotonic dystrophy
* Development and structural defects, Germinal cell aplasia, sertoli cell only syndrome, Cypt-orchidism
* Androgen resistance
* Mycoplasma infection
* Cystic fibrosis patients often have missing or obstructed vas deferens (the tubes that carry sperm) and hence a low sperm count.
* Klinefelter syndrome patients carry two X and one Y chromosomes (the norm is one X and one Y), which leads to the destruction of the lining of the sperm forming germ cell in the testis.
* Environmental Assaults: Over exposure to environmental assaults (toxins, chemicals, infections) can cause nil sperm either by direct suppression of sperm production or on the hormone. Some chemicals that affect sperm production men are: Oxygen-Free Radicals, Estrogen emulation pesticidal chemicals (DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, PCPs, dioxins, and furans), plastic softening chemicals like Phthalates, hydrocarbons (ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, and xylene)
* Exposure to Heavy Metals: Chronic exposure to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, or arsenic may affect sperm production and may cause nil sperms in otherwise healthy men. Trace amounts of these metals in semen seem to inhibit the function of enzymes contained in the sperms, the membrane that covers the head of the sperm.
* Radiation Treatment: Over-exposure to radiation & xrays affect any rapidly dividing cell, so cells that produce sperm are quite sensitive to radiation damage. Cells exposed to significant levels of radiation may take up to two years to resume normal sperm production, and, in severe circ***tances, may never recover.
* Misuse of substances: There are a number of banned substances that can have potentially lethal effects on sperm production. Taking anabolic steroids, for example, to increase performance in sports such as weight lifting, can dramatically alter both the motility and the health of the spermatozoa. Other banned substances, such as cocaine, marijuana and heroin can reduce sperm production & may make a man infertile.
* HGH Deficiency

Diagnosis of Cause of Nil Sperm Count
For correct diagnosis of cause of nil sperm count, we need detail history & physical examinations then certain relevant investigations are required.
History & Physical Examinations: First step in proper treatment is accurate diagnosis of cause of nil sperm count.
Investigation & Diagnosis:
For completes diagnosis of causes of azoospermia (nil sperms) one or more of the following tests may be required as:
* Complete male hormone profile: This profile includes all the male hormone tests which affect testicular development, growth & other genital organ development as well as genital functions. L.H., F.S.H., Testosterone, prolactins, thyroids test.
* Antisperm antibody
* USG or Doppler study of scrotum & testis
* Semen culture sensitivity
* Semen fructose
* Fine Needle Testicular Biopsy of the testis to look for evidence of spermatogenesis & testicular structure.
* Human Sperm-Zona Pellucida Binding Ratio
* Human Sperm-Zona Pellucida Pentration test
* Genetic Studies
* FNAC Testis
* Egg penetration test
* Molecular genetic studies done in some special cases
* Chromosome analysis i.e. Karyotype (chromosome analysis)
* A****sment of androgen receptor
* Combined Pituitary hormone tests is performed when needed
* Immunobead test
* MRI head, Hemogram, test for systemic diseases.
* Factory test is done to find out kallman's syndrome

Semen Analysis
The basic test to evaluate a man's fertility is a semen analysis. To perform this test, a man collects a sample of his semen in a collection jar during masturbation either at home or at the laboratory. A man should abstain from ejaculation for four days before the test, because each ejaculation can reduce the number of sperms. A semen analysis should be repeated at least three times over several months. The analysis reports on any abnormalities in sperm count, motility and morphology, as well as any problem in the semen.
Sperm Count
A low sperm count should not be viewed as a definitive diagnosis of infertility but rather as an indicator of a fertility problem. Counts of less than 20 million per milliliter are currently considered strong indicators of infertility, although pregnancy is sometimes possible even with such low counts.
Sperm Motility
Motility is the speed and quality of movement. It is graded on a 1 to 4 ranking system.
* Grade 1 sperm wriggles sluggishly and makes little forward progress.
* Grade 2 sperm moves forward, but are either very slow or does not move in a straight line.
* Grade 3 sperm moves in a straight line at a reasonable speed and can home on an egg accurately.
* Grade 4 sperm is as accurate as Grade 3 sperm, but moves at terrific speed. Sperms that clump together may indicate that antibodies to the sperm are present.
Sperm Morphology
Morphology is the structure of the sperm. About 60% of the sperm should be normal in size and shape for adequate fertility. Determining the morphology of the sperm is particularly important for the success of the fertility treatment.
Azoospermia is called when there is no sperm in semen. This type of semen disorder is found in approximately 3% of infertile men i.e. absent sperm. You should know that testis has two separate functions.
* Production of normal sperms in semen which needed for pregnancy & normal fertility.
* The other function of testis is production of male hormones i.e. testosterone & others. So in most patients with nil sperms though semen has absent sperms still production of male hormones remains normal.
Causes of Azoospermia or Nil Sperms
Hormone disorder : The various endocrine (Hormone) disorder leading to azoospermia are as follows
(1) Hormone deficiency of pituitary gland as L.H., F.S.H., Prolactin, thyroids hormone, hypothalmic deficiency of GnRH, Pituitary gland failure, Hypopituitarism, Idiopathic hypopituitarism, Kallman syndrome, Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Drugs, toxins, Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism & due to many more causes.
(2) Obstruction in the outflow of semen (Sperms) from testis to outside through urethral opening. Many times the production of sperms in testis is absolutely normal but these sperm are unable to come out due to obstruction in the out flow tract leading to absent sperms in the semen. The various causes of obstruction are absent vas deferens, absent seminal vesicle, posttraumatic, post surgical ligation of vas deferens. After some infections, as chlamydial, gonococcal urethritis. It may also be due to post tubercular epididimo-orchitis. The sperm may also not come out of testis if the are imotile due to any of the following causes as imotile cilia syndrome, kartagener syndrome cystic fibrosis & many other rare diseases.
(3) Absence of germ cells in testis also called sertoli cell only syndrome. In this there are no germs cells i.e. sperm forming cells in the testis. For you knowledge, I wish to inform you that in testis germ cell come to testis from neural cord area of the body during neural cord area of the body during development of fetus. So in some fetuses this migration of sperm cells do not occurs leading to testis only having testosterone forming & sertoli cells. Thus this condition is called sertoli sell only syndrome it is a developmental defect.
(4) Maturation Arrest (. Spermatid arrest): of primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocyte, spermatids or to mature spermatozoa. Due to may local, systemic, hormonal growth factor deficiency or due to idiopathic factor. The various paracrine hormones and growth factors are essential for normal development i.e. maturation of one germ cells to multiplication of ultimately production of multiple mature, normal & motile sperms. Many other factor as infection, varicocele, drugs, chemotherapy may also lead to maturation arrest. The other causes may by developmentally defective germs cells & spermatocyte. So that they did not have inherent capacity of developing into a mature & motile sperms.

(5) Testicular disorders (primary leydig cell dysfunction), Chromosomal (Klinefelter syndrome and variants, XX male gonadal dysgenesis), Defects in androgen biosynthesis, Orchitis (mumps, HIV, other viral, ),Myotonia dystrophica, Toxins (alcohol, opiates, fungicides, insecticides, heavy metals, cotton seed oil), Drugs (cytotoxic drugs, ketoconazole, cimetidine, spironolactone)
(6) Varicocele (Grade 3 or more severe): A varicocele is a varicose vein in the cord that connects to the testicle. (A varicose vein is one that is abnormally enlarged and twisted.)
(7) Varicocele decreases sperm productions by elevating temperature of the testis, may produce higher levels of nitric oxide chemical in the testis which blocks sperm production, varicocele damages sperms directly & lastly varicocele decrease the oxygen supply to testis.
(8) Presence of Antisperm antibody. These Antisperm antibodies bind with sperms & either make them less motile, totally immotile or even dead which is called necrospermia
(9) Trauma
(10) Environmental toxins
(11) Viral orchits
(12) Granulomatous disease as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis of the testis
(13) Defects associated with systemic diseases, Liver diseases, Renal failure, Sickle cell disease, Celiac disease
(14) Neurological disease as myotonic dystrophy
(15) Development and structural defects, Germinal cell aplasia, sertoli cell only syndrome, Cypt-orchidism
(16) Androgen resistance
(17) Mycoplasma infection
(18) Cystic fibrosis patients often have missing or obstructed vas deferens (the tubes that carry sperm) and hence a low sperm count.
(19) Klinefelter syndrome patients carry two X and one Y chromosomes (the norm is one X and one Y), which leads to the destruction of the lining of the sperm forming germ cell in the testis.
(20) Environmental Assaults: Over exposure to environmental assaults (toxins, chemicals, infections) can cause nil sperm either by direct suppression of sperm production or on the hormone. Some chemicals that affect sperm production men are: Oxygen-Free Radicals, Estrogen emulation pesticidal chemicals (DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, PCPs, dioxins, and furans), plastic softening chemicals like Phthalates, hydrocarbons (ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, and xylene)
(21) Exposure to Heavy Metals: Chronic exposure to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, or arsenic may affect sperm production and may cause nil sperms in otherwise healthy men. Trace amounts of these metals in semen seem to inhibit the function of enzymes contained in the sperms, the membrane that covers the head of the sperm.
(22) Radiation Treatment: Over-exposure to radiation & xrays affect any rapidly dividing cell, so cells that produce sperm are quite sensitive to radiation damage. Cells exposed to significant levels of radiation may take up to two years to resume normal sperm production, and, in severe circ***tances, may never recover.
(23) Misuse of substances: There are a number of banned substances that can have potentially lethal effects on sperm production. Taking anabolic steroids, for example, to increase performance in sports such as weight lifting, can dramatically alter both the motility and the health of the spermatozoa. Other banned substances, such as cocaine, marijuana and heroin can reduce sperm production & may make a man infertile.
(23) HGH Deficiency
After the finding out cause of azoospermia treatment is started depending on the cause found.
The various treatments are as follows:
(1) Correction of the Cause: First of all we try to find out the primary cause of nil sperms by above mentioned investigations. Then we correct the basic defect i.e. correction of hormone disorder & other defects. We also give following treatment for permanent cure of low sperm count & motility disorder.
(2) Correction of Hormone deficiencies: Once the hormone disorder is found then it is corrected by any of the below medicines. Usually sperm count normalizes in three month time with proper hormone treatment.
(3) Varicocele ligation: A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of within the scrotum.
Treating Oligospermia & Azoospermia
Spermo-Vite™ -- a novel, all-natural, safe, and therapeutically viable alternative for breaking the debilitating effects of both male factor infertility.
Spermo-Vite is a powerful herbal remedy for curing low sperm count if consumed twice in a day. This herb promotes blood flow, removes blockages, increase libido, enhance stamina, smoothens functioning of reproductive organs and balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of low sperm count.
To cure Low Sperm Count herbal remedies are safest and effective ways to treat the problem. Herbal remedies have been used since old times to cure infertility in males which is mostly caused by low sperm count or poor sperm quality. These remedies are time tested and trusted by millions for their efficacy in resolving the situation and are treated as best ways to cure the problem. Medically it is said that a male needs at least 20 million sperms in every milliliter of semen to impregnate a woman. Number of sperms below than this reduces chances of impregnating a woman drastically.
Spermo-Vite A natural Herbal supplement is a potent herbal remedy for curing Low Sperm Count and Dead sperm count if consumed twice in a day either in organic form as root extract or in capsule form. This herb naturally promotes blood flow, removes blockages, increase libido, enhance stamina, smoothens functioning of reproductive organs and balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of Low Sperm.
Tee & Tee Herbal is another herbal remedy which works wonderfully well to cure Low Sperm Count and Dead Sperm Count by stimulating testosterone and estrogen hormone secretion which is excellent for increased libido, stamina and strength for sexual behavior and functioning of male reproductive organs. This herb too is available in tablet and powder form to use.
Treatment....The best way to treat azoospermia and possibly restore fertility in some men suffering from the condition by using Herbal medications to restore hormonal balances and sperm booster to restore the sperm count to normal level.
The best treatment For the permanent cure of the Azoospermia(Dead Sperm or Oligoospermia Low sperm Count) and any related problems that might cause that problems,visit whomp Int`l centre for Alternative therapy. we shall give you a positive solution to your problems.
Have you been using medication for the treatment of Dead sperm or low sperm count and drugs fail?And you keep wondering why you were not be able to impregnate your wife?
Whomp Int`l Centre for Alternative Therapy, a registered Herbal Company.Our Products have safe guards lives,improve good health &well-being.Our products limits devastating effect of diseases and affliction.We have health packs for the infertility and Erectile dysfunction.A trial will surely convince you. . . . Give a trial today. .
Our Products
Spermo-Vite formuale™:A unique and A newly rebrand Herbal therapy supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good for boosting.It increase from 0-10 Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 65%.It good for for patients with Olisgospermia(Low Sperm Count)Necrospermia(Watery Sperm)Azoospermia(Zero Sperm Count)No side effect.The results is guarantee within 64 days.
Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.
De-Bull Herbal plus:A blended herbal medicine to restore erection and make a man satisfy his wife miraculously.It good for sexual weakness,premature ejaculation,lack of sexual is a complete sex restorer.No side effects.
Tee&Tee herbal formulae.Herbal tonic for metabolic waste material stimulation of liver.It good for Pile, Haemorrhoid, Gastric & Stomach Discounfort.It is good for a woman irregular menstrual period.
At Whomp Int`l Herbs Therapy,No diseases is resistant,no want need to die untimely from any diseases,No one should live on drugs for longer than Three Months.
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We all came from nature. We live with nature. Nobody can survive without nature.When wealth is lost, nothing is lost, when health is lost, something is lost but when life is lost, everything is lost. Health is wealth.
Oligospermia and Oligospermaesthenia are two conditions where allopathic system has no effective treatment. Dr.Aminu Kazeem Olawale(O.I.M)Chief Consultant and Medical Director looking into alternative systems. After working through various modalities, he came out with the best solution which it SPERMO-VITE Herbal supplement.
Before starting this treatment semen test is very essential at your nearest pathology lab and must stop any hormonal treatment at least one month prior to start our treatment. Medicine increases Sperm Count, Sperm Motility, Semen Quantity and corrects Sperm Abnormalities.
Advantage of treatment
* The treatment is completely free of any side effects.
* Medicine is effective in 95% in sperm abnormalities i.e. Low Sperm count, Low Motility, Low Semen Quantity and Abnormal Sperm Cell Morphology.
* It is the fastest among all treatment. It raises sperm count fourfold with every month’s treatment till optimum count. So with low sperm count like 3 million per ml. to normal count of 40 million per ml. can be achieved within two to Three months of treatment.
* The lowest count which can be helped is 1 lac per ml or 0.1 million per ml. Below, this the result may be variable.
* It does not support azoospermia or zero count at all.
* It improves not only sperm count but also it’s quality. It raises low sperm motility to high sperm motility. It also improves grades of sperm motility simultaneously.
* The success rate of system is very high. In about 1000 patients, it succeeded in 95% of the patients.
* The greatest advantage is that even after stopping the treatment the higher count remains longer, where as in male hormones, it falls as soon as the treatment is stopped.
* It is quite comfortable to take it, as it has sweet pills and drops only, to take with few doses per day. So, this treatment being simpler avoids complicated procedures in case of male infertility.
Common Cause of Oligospermia:
* Stress :- reduces sperm count
* Tobacco:- Nicotine damages sperms
* Lead :- Workers in printing press have low sperm count
* Hot climates
* Varicocele
* Avoidance of saunas, hot baths, the wearing of tight underwear, and other situations in which scrotal temperature may be raised
* Alcohol:- Alcohol damages sperms
In our research has shown trend in decline sperm count in recent times. There may be many causative factors.
Male factor infertility may result from low sperm count or low sperm motility, or decreased ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg or abnormal shape of sperms or lack of semen or inability of man to deposit the sperm into female privates due to erectile dysfunction or hypospadios. The leading cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Others may be low sperm motility, bad quality sperms, lack of semen, presence of pus cells in semen & inability to deposit semen into female privates either due to absent ejaculation or due to any sexual dysfunctions as erectile dysfunctions. In general, most cases of male infertility are due to low sperm count. There are many biologic and environmental factors that can lead to low sperm count. Here is a list of conditions that may cause low sperm count in men.
* Oligospermia | Low Sperm Count
* Azospermia | Nil Sperms | Low Sperm Motility
* Pus in Semen
* Anti-Sperm Antibody
* Less Semen Formation
* Absent Ejaculation
* Dead Sperms
* Abnormal Sperms
* Immotile Sperms
Azoospermia (Nil Sperm):
Azoospermia is called when there is no sperm in semen. This type of semen disorder is found in approximately 3% of infertile men i.e. absent sperm. You should know that testis has two separate functions.
* Production of normal sperms in semen which needed for pregnancy & normal fertility.
* The other function of testis is production of male hormones i.e. testosterone & others.
So in most patients with nil sperms though semen has absent sperms still production of male hormones remains normal.
Causes of Nil Sperms:
The various causes of nil sperm are as follows :
Hormone disorder: The various endocrine (Hormone) disorder leading to azoospermia are as follows
increase the sperm count
* Presence of Antisperm antibody. These Antisperm antibodies bind with sperms & either make them less motile, totally immotile or even dead which is called necrospermia.
* Trauma
* Environmental toxins
* Viral orchits
* Granulomatous disease as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis of the testis
* Defects associated with systemic diseases, Liver diseases, Renal failure, Sickle cell disease, Celiac disease
* Neurological disease as myotonic dystrophy
* Development and structural defects, Germinal cell aplasia, sertoli cell only syndrome, Cypt-orchidism
* Androgen resistance
* Mycoplasma infection
* Cystic fibrosis patients often have missing or obstructed vas deferens (the tubes that carry sperm) and hence a low sperm count.
* Klinefelter syndrome patients carry two X and one Y chromosomes (the norm is one X and one Y), which leads to the destruction of the lining of the sperm forming germ cell in the testis.
* Environmental Assaults: Over exposure to environmental assaults (toxins, chemicals, infections) can cause nil sperm either by direct suppression of sperm production or on the hormone. Some chemicals that affect sperm production men are: Oxygen-Free Radicals, Estrogen emulation pesticidal chemicals (DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, PCPs, dioxins, and furans), plastic softening chemicals like Phthalates, hydrocarbons (ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, and xylene)
* Exposure to Heavy Metals: Chronic exposure to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, or arsenic may affect sperm production and may cause nil sperms in otherwise healthy men. Trace amounts of these metals in semen seem to inhibit the function of enzymes contained in the sperms, the membrane that covers the head of the sperm.
* Radiation Treatment: Over-exposure to radiation & xrays affect any rapidly dividing cell, so cells that produce sperm are quite sensitive to radiation damage. Cells exposed to significant levels of radiation may take up to two years to resume normal sperm production, and, in severe circ***tances, may never recover.
* Misuse of substances: There are a number of banned substances that can have potentially lethal effects on sperm production. Taking anabolic steroids, for example, to increase performance in sports such as weight lifting, can dramatically alter both the motility and the health of the spermatozoa. Other banned substances, such as cocaine, marijuana and heroin can reduce sperm production & may make a man infertile.
* HGH Deficiency
Diagnosis of Cause of Nil Sperm Count
For correct diagnosis of cause of nil sperm count, we need detail history & physical examinations then certain relevant investigations are required.
History & Physical Examinations: First step in proper treatment is accurate diagnosis of cause of nil sperm count.
Investigation & Diagnosis:
For completes diagnosis of causes of azoospermia (nil sperms) one or more of the following tests may be required as:
* Complete male hormone profile: This profile includes all the male hormone tests which affect testicular development, growth & other genital organ development as well as genital functions. L.H., F.S.H., Testosterone, prolactins, thyroids test.
* Antisperm antibody
* USG or Doppler study of scrotum & testis
* Semen culture sensitivity
* Semen fructose
* Fine Needle Testicular Biopsy of the testis to look for evidence of spermatogenesis & testicular structure.
* Human Sperm-Zona Pellucida Binding Ratio
* Human Sperm-Zona Pellucida Pentration test
* Genetic Studies
* FNAC Testis
* Egg penetration test
* Molecular genetic studies done in some special cases
* Chromosome analysis i.e. Karyotype (chromosome analysis)
* A****sment of androgen receptor
* Combined Pituitary hormone tests is performed when needed
* Immunobead test
* MRI head, Hemogram, test for systemic diseases.
* Factory test is done to find out kallman's syndrome
Semen Analysis
The basic test to evaluate a man's fertility is a semen analysis. To perform this test, a man collects a sample of his semen in a collection jar during masturbation either at home or at the laboratory. A man should abstain from ejaculation for four days before the test, because each ejaculation can reduce the number of sperms. A semen analysis should be repeated at least three times over several months. The analysis reports on any abnormalities in sperm count, motility and morphology, as well as any problem in the semen.
Sperm Count
A low sperm count should not be viewed as a definitive diagnosis of infertility but rather as an indicator of a fertility problem. Counts of less than 20 million per milliliter are currently considered strong indicators of infertility, although pregnancy is sometimes possible even with such low counts.
Sperm Motility
Motility is the speed and quality of movement. It is graded on a 1 to 4 ranking system.
* Grade 1 sperm wriggles sluggishly and makes little forward progress.
* Grade 2 sperm moves forward, but are either very slow or does not move in a straight line.
* Grade 3 sperm moves in a straight line at a reasonable speed and can home on an egg accurately.
* Grade 4 sperm is as accurate as Grade 3 sperm, but moves at terrific speed. Sperms that clump together may indicate that antibodies to the sperm are present.
Sperm Morphology
Morphology is the structure of the sperm. About 60% of the sperm should be normal in size and shape for adequate fertility. Determining the morphology of the sperm is particularly important for the success of the fertility treatment.
Azoospermia is called when there is no sperm in semen. This type of semen disorder is found in approximately 3% of infertile men i.e. absent sperm. You should know that testis has two separate functions.
* Production of normal sperms in semen which needed for pregnancy & normal fertility.
* The other function of testis is production of male hormones i.e. testosterone & others. So in most patients with nil sperms though semen has absent sperms still production of male hormones remains normal.
Causes of Azoospermia or Nil Sperms
Hormone disorder : The various endocrine (Hormone) disorder leading to azoospermia are as follows
(1) Hormone deficiency of pituitary gland as L.H., F.S.H., Prolactin, thyroids hormone, hypothalmic deficiency of GnRH, Pituitary gland failure, Hypopituitarism, Idiopathic hypopituitarism, Kallman syndrome, Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, Drugs, toxins, Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism & due to many more causes.
(2) Obstruction in the outflow of semen (Sperms) from testis to outside through urethral opening. Many times the production of sperms in testis is absolutely normal but these sperm are unable to come out due to obstruction in the out flow tract leading to absent sperms in the semen. The various causes of obstruction are absent vas deferens, absent seminal vesicle, posttraumatic, post surgical ligation of vas deferens. After some infections, as chlamydial, gonococcal urethritis. It may also be due to post tubercular epididimo-orchitis. The sperm may also not come out of testis if the are imotile due to any of the following causes as imotile cilia syndrome, kartagener syndrome cystic fibrosis & many other rare diseases.
(3) Absence of germ cells in testis also called sertoli cell only syndrome. In this there are no germs cells i.e. sperm forming cells in the testis. For you knowledge, I wish to inform you that in testis germ cell come to testis from neural cord area of the body during neural cord area of the body during development of fetus. So in some fetuses this migration of sperm cells do not occurs leading to testis only having testosterone forming & sertoli cells. Thus this condition is called sertoli sell only syndrome it is a developmental defect.
(4) Maturation Arrest (. Spermatid arrest): of primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocyte, spermatids or to mature spermatozoa. Due to may local, systemic, hormonal growth factor deficiency or due to idiopathic factor. The various paracrine hormones and growth factors are essential for normal development i.e. maturation of one germ cells to multiplication of ultimately production of multiple mature, normal & motile sperms. Many other factor as infection, varicocele, drugs, chemotherapy may also lead to maturation arrest. The other causes may by developmentally defective germs cells & spermatocyte. So that they did not have inherent capacity of developing into a mature & motile sperms.
(5) Testicular disorders (primary leydig cell dysfunction), Chromosomal (Klinefelter syndrome and variants, XX male gonadal dysgenesis), Defects in androgen biosynthesis, Orchitis (mumps, HIV, other viral, ),Myotonia dystrophica, Toxins (alcohol, opiates, fungicides, insecticides, heavy metals, cotton seed oil), Drugs (cytotoxic drugs, ketoconazole, cimetidine, spironolactone)
(6) Varicocele (Grade 3 or more severe): A varicocele is a varicose vein in the cord that connects to the testicle. (A varicose vein is one that is abnormally enlarged and twisted.)
(7) Varicocele decreases sperm productions by elevating temperature of the testis, may produce higher levels of nitric oxide chemical in the testis which blocks sperm production, varicocele damages sperms directly & lastly varicocele decrease the oxygen supply to testis.
(8) Presence of Antisperm antibody. These Antisperm antibodies bind with sperms & either make them less motile, totally immotile or even dead which is called necrospermia
(9) Trauma
(10) Environmental toxins
(11) Viral orchits
(12) Granulomatous disease as tuberculosis, sarcoidosis of the testis
(13) Defects associated with systemic diseases, Liver diseases, Renal failure, Sickle cell disease, Celiac disease
(14) Neurological disease as myotonic dystrophy
(15) Development and structural defects, Germinal cell aplasia, sertoli cell only syndrome, Cypt-orchidism
(16) Androgen resistance
(17) Mycoplasma infection
(18) Cystic fibrosis patients often have missing or obstructed vas deferens (the tubes that carry sperm) and hence a low sperm count.
(19) Klinefelter syndrome patients carry two X and one Y chromosomes (the norm is one X and one Y), which leads to the destruction of the lining of the sperm forming germ cell in the testis.
(20) Environmental Assaults: Over exposure to environmental assaults (toxins, chemicals, infections) can cause nil sperm either by direct suppression of sperm production or on the hormone. Some chemicals that affect sperm production men are: Oxygen-Free Radicals, Estrogen emulation pesticidal chemicals (DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, PCPs, dioxins, and furans), plastic softening chemicals like Phthalates, hydrocarbons (ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, and xylene)
(21) Exposure to Heavy Metals: Chronic exposure to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, or arsenic may affect sperm production and may cause nil sperms in otherwise healthy men. Trace amounts of these metals in semen seem to inhibit the function of enzymes contained in the sperms, the membrane that covers the head of the sperm.
(22) Radiation Treatment: Over-exposure to radiation & xrays affect any rapidly dividing cell, so cells that produce sperm are quite sensitive to radiation damage. Cells exposed to significant levels of radiation may take up to two years to resume normal sperm production, and, in severe circ***tances, may never recover.
(23) Misuse of substances: There are a number of banned substances that can have potentially lethal effects on sperm production. Taking anabolic steroids, for example, to increase performance in sports such as weight lifting, can dramatically alter both the motility and the health of the spermatozoa. Other banned substances, such as cocaine, marijuana and heroin can reduce sperm production & may make a man infertile.
(23) HGH Deficiency
After the finding out cause of azoospermia treatment is started depending on the cause found.
The various treatments are as follows:
(1) Correction of the Cause: First of all we try to find out the primary cause of nil sperms by above mentioned investigations. Then we correct the basic defect i.e. correction of hormone disorder & other defects. We also give following treatment for permanent cure of low sperm count & motility disorder.
(2) Correction of Hormone deficiencies: Once the hormone disorder is found then it is corrected by any of the below medicines. Usually sperm count normalizes in three month time with proper hormone treatment.
(3) Varicocele ligation: A varicocele is an abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of within the scrotum.
Treating Oligospermia & Azoospermia
Spermo-Vite™ -- a novel, all-natural, safe, and therapeutically viable alternative for breaking the debilitating effects of both male factor infertility.
Spermo-Vite is a powerful herbal remedy for curing low sperm count if consumed twice in a day. This herb promotes blood flow, removes blockages, increase libido, enhance stamina, smoothens functioning of reproductive organs and balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of low sperm count.
To cure Low Sperm Count herbal remedies are safest and effective ways to treat the problem. Herbal remedies have been used since old times to cure infertility in males which is mostly caused by low sperm count or poor sperm quality. These remedies are time tested and trusted by millions for their efficacy in resolving the situation and are treated as best ways to cure the problem. Medically it is said that a male needs at least 20 million sperms in every milliliter of semen to impregnate a woman. Number of sperms below than this reduces chances of impregnating a woman drastically.
Spermo-Vite A natural Herbal supplement is a potent herbal remedy for curing Low Sperm Count and Dead sperm count if consumed twice in a day either in organic form as root extract or in capsule form. This herb naturally promotes blood flow, removes blockages, increase libido, enhance stamina, smoothens functioning of reproductive organs and balances hormonal secretion to alleviate problem of Low Sperm.
Tee & Tee Herbal is another herbal remedy which works wonderfully well to cure Low Sperm Count and Dead Sperm Count by stimulating testosterone and estrogen hormone secretion which is excellent for increased libido, stamina and strength for sexual behavior and functioning of male reproductive organs. This herb too is available in tablet and powder form to use.
Treatment....The best way to treat azoospermia and possibly restore fertility in some men suffering from the condition by using Herbal medications to restore hormonal balances and sperm booster to restore the sperm count to normal level.
The best treatment For the permanent cure of the Azoospermia(Dead Sperm or Oligoospermia Low sperm Count) and any related problems that might cause that problems,visit whomp Int`l centre for Alternative therapy. we shall give you a positive solution to your problems.
Have you been using medication for the treatment of Dead sperm or low sperm count and drugs fail?And you keep wondering why you were not be able to impregnate your wife?
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Our Products
Spermo-Vite formuale™:A unique and A newly rebrand Herbal therapy supplement contains essential sperm production and it is good for boosting.It increase from 0-10 Millions Cell & motility and Morphology to above 65%.It good for for patients with Olisgospermia(Low Sperm Count)Necrospermia(Watery Sperm)Azoospermia(Zero Sperm Count)No side effect.The results is guarantee within 64 days.
Dekah Herbal:A newly discovered herbal medicine that boost immune system and fight bacteria infection.It good for treatment Syphilis,Hepatitis ,Staph Aureus.Any related symptoms like itching in private parts blood stooling, Rashes,Worms like movement and hotness of body.
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زندگی ہے
طب کی دنیا کا پہلا قدم
ادرک اور شلجم کا پانی ١/1 پاؤ لیکر اس کو جست پر بطریق چویہ جست کو پلا دیں
ان کا فوک خشک کر ک رکھ لیں
پھر کڑاہی میں جست کو رکھ کر نیچے آگ جلا دیں آگ تیز نہ ہو اور فوک کی چٹکیاں دے کر کشتہ کر لیں
بیری کی لکڑی سے ہلاتے جایں پیلے رنگ کا کشتہ ہوگا صرف ١ رتی خوراک ٹائم
یہ نسخہ صرف حکما حضرت کے لیے ہے

طب کی دنیا کا پہلا قدم
ادرک اور شلجم کا پانی ١/1 پاؤ لیکر اس کو جست پر بطریق چویہ جست کو پلا دیں
ان کا فوک خشک کر ک رکھ لیں
پھر کڑاہی میں جست کو رکھ کر نیچے آگ جلا دیں آگ تیز نہ ہو اور فوک کی چٹکیاں دے کر کشتہ کر لیں
بیری کی لکڑی سے ہلاتے جایں پیلے رنگ کا کشتہ ہوگا صرف ١ رتی خوراک ٹائم
یہ نسخہ صرف حکما حضرت کے لیے ہے
Natural Herbal Treatment for Azoospermia or Nil Sperm Count
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