Friday, October 12, 2018

Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS AT ANY AGE PERIOD

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Homeopathy is a safe science that offers a permanent cure for asthma. Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully well to remove asthma at the root. These medicines set off the body’s own restorative processes, mainly strengthening its natural healing system to make it strong enough to fight the condition. In case asthma is allergic in origin, Homeopathic medicines start by treating the allergies causing the asthma to completely uproot the disease. Homeopathic medicines are natural, safe and free from any adverse side-effects. They can be prescribed to people of all age groups. Top listed Homeopathic medicines for asthma include Arsenic Album, Antimonium Tart, Spongia Tosta, Ipecac and Drosera Rotundifolia.

Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Arsenic Album – One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for asthma

Arsenic Album is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for asthma. The symptoms indicative of use Arsenic Album are suffocative cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma that gets worse around midnight is also treated well with this medicine. Another important guiding feature for using Arsenic Album is asthma that alternatives with skin rash or eczema.

Spongia Tosta – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for asthma with dry cough

Spongia Tosta is a wonderful Homeopathic medicine for asthma with dry cough. The cough in this case can be deep, barking, hacking type. The cough is attended with extreme dryness of all the air passages. Along with dry cough, whistling from the chest on inspiration is noted. Respiration is also difficult. In most cases, warm drinks bring relief from the cough.

Antimonium Tartaricum – Excellent among Homeopathic medicines for asthma with excessive, rattling cough

Antimonium Tartaricum is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for asthma with excessive, rattling cough. The cough is loose, rattling and the lungs feel full of mucus. Mucus from the lungs is raised with much difficulty. Respiration is rapid and difficult. Excessive suffocation is observed. The suffocation worsens on lying down, with a need to sit up.

Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra – Best Homeopathic medicines for asthma in children

Ipecac and Sambucus Nigra are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for treating asthma in children. Ipecac works well when there is excessive cough with mucus rales in chest. The cough is accompanied by suffocation, shortness of breath and gasping for air. The child may become blue and stiff during the asthma attack. Homeopathic medicine Sambucus Nigra is indicated for night asthma episodes in children. A child in need of Sambucus Nigra wakes up suddenly at night, with cough and suffocation.

Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum – Top Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered in damp weather

Dulcamara and Natrum Sulphuricum are very useful Homeopathic medicines for asthma in damp weather. Among them, Dulcamara is the best prescription for loose, rattling asthmatic cough in damp weather where the person has to cough a long time to expel phlegm. Natrum Sulphuricum is the most helpful Homeopathic medicine where cough with thick, ropy, green phlegm is present. Natrum Sulphuricum also works well where the asthma worsens around 4 am and 5 am. Natrum Sulphuricum is also among the top grade Homeopathic medicines for treating asthma in children.

Nux Vomica – Well indicated Homeopathic medicines for asthma in winter

Nux Vomica is a prominent Homeopathic medicine for asthma in winter. Cough with wheezing and oppressed breathing arise in cold weather. The cough may be prominently dry in the evening and night time, but loose with expectoration during the day. Suffocative asthma attacks after midnight are also best treated with Nux Vomica. Nux Vomica is also of great help in gastric asthma.

Blatta Orientalis and Bromium – Significant Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered by dust exposure

Both Blatta Orientalis and Bromium are significant Homeopathic medicines for asthma triggered by exposure to dust. Blatta Orientalis is prescribed for cough with difficult respiration and pus-like mucus. Homeopathic medicine Bromium is selected when there is cough with rattling of mucus, suffocation and difficulty in breathing after exposure to dust.

Carbo Veg and Senega – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for asthma in elderly

Carbo Veg and Senega show the most amazing results in asthma in aged people. Carbo Veg is prescribed in case of cough with burning pain in the chest. Expectoration is present in the morning. The phlegm is mainly yellow or pus-like and has sour, salty or putrid taste. The cough gets worse in the evening. There is frequent need to take deep breaths. Wheezing and rattling of mucus are also prominent. Carbo Vg is also the medicine to use where the cough worsens as one goes from a warm place to a cold place. It is also the medicine to go to for treating asthma that worsens with acidity or flatulency.  Homeopathic medicine Senega is considered where there is difficulty in raising mucus from the chest. The mucus is tough and profuse. Oppression, weight and soreness are felt in the chest.

Drosera Rotundifolia and Coccus Cacti – Homeopathic medicines for cough variant asthma

Homeopathic medicines Drosera Rotundifolia and Coccus Cacti gives wonderful results in cough variant asthma. The features guiding use of Drosera Rotundifolia are dry and highly irritating cough. The paroxysms of cough follow each other rapidly. Talking may worsen the cough. Rough, scraping sensation in the throat may attend. Drosera Rotundifolia is also the Homeopathic medicine to prescribe for nocturnal cough. Homeopathic medicine Coccus Cacti is indicated where cough with much suffocation and strangling sensation in the throat predominates. Coccus Cacti also works well for spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting.

Aconite Napellus – Recognised Homeopathic medicine for asthma that worsens with cold air

For asthma that worsens with cold air, Aconite Napellus is an excellent Homeopathic medicine. Coughing starts soon after exposure to cold air, with whistling sound in the chest. Whistling is mainly present during inspiration. Shortness of breath and chest oppression is also felt.

Lobelia Inflata – Useful Homeopathic medicine for asthma in smokers

Lobelia Inflata is a very useful Homeopathic medicine for treating asthma in smokers. The person needing Lobelia Inflata has difficult, short respiration with cough. He complains of oppressed feeling in the chest. He feels like there’s a lump in the throat. Few persons who need Homeopathic medicine Lobelia Inflata also complain of a burning sensation in the chest.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory disease characterised by episodes of cough, wheezing, tightness of chest and shortness of breath. In asthma, there is chronic inflammation of airways (bronchi and bronchioles). Airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. In asthmatic persons, these airways are highly sensitive and respond strongly to inhaled substances such as allergens. This leads to bronchospasms (constriction of muscles around the airways). As a result of the inflammation and bronchospasms, the airways get obstructed, leading to reduced air flow to the lungs and other symptoms mentioned above. Asthma can occur at any age, but most frequently appears in childhood or early adulthood.

Is asthma genetic, what are its causes?

The exact cause of asthma is still a matter of study though genetic and environmental factors together are known to play a role in the etiology of asthma. Allergens such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites can set off asthma; air pollutants, exercise, certain medicines like aspirin, beta blockers, smoking and gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), cold and humid weather can cause asthma.

How do I know I have asthma?

Characteristic symptoms that point towards asthma include episodes of cough, chest wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Allergies could be a symptom. Spirometry and peak flow meter test aid diagnosis.

What are the various types of asthma?

There are various types of asthma based on the related cause. These include allergic asthma, occupational asthma, cough variant asthma, exercise induced asthma, medication induced asthma and nocturnal asthma. Allergic asthma refers to asthma attacks triggered by allergens like pollen, pet dander etc. Occupational asthma is asthma that arises from exposure to some substance at the workplace. Some examples of occupation induced asthma are seen in chemical workers, welders, cotton factory workers and coal miners. Cough variant asthma refers to asthma where the only symptom is persistent dry cough without any mucus expectoration. Wheezing and shortness of breath are absent in such cases. Exercise induced asthma is commonly seen in athletes, cyclists and swimmers. Medication induced asthma can be triggered by medicines such as ibuprofen, aspirin and beta blockers. Nocturnal asthma is asthma that gets worse at night.

What is an asthma attack?

Asthma attack refers to acute symptoms of cough, wheezing and chest tightness from a sudden bronchospasm. A bronchospasm or a bronchial spasm is the tightening of muscles of airways due to a trigger, whether allergic or non-allergic.

What is wheezing in asthma?

Wheezing is a whistling sound arising in the chest while breathing due to obstruction of the airflow in air passages.

Is asthma an allergy?

In most cases, asthma is linked with an allergy. However, asthma can be both allergic and non-allergic. Allergic asthma arises from sensitivity to allergens like pollens, dust and animal dander. Non-allergic asthma may be triggered by exercise, chemical exposure, cold air, smoke, GERD.

Can smoking trigger asthma?

Yes, smoking can surely trigger asthma. Smoking is a known risk factor for asthma.

What does asthma have to do with weather?

Asthma is very much related to weather. Certain weather conditions trigger asthma attacks. Cold and humid weather, for example.

Homeopathic Medicines for 











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